the patron saints of imperfection

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Apr 17, 2024 0:06:22 GMT
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lava bubbles and gurgles thousands of feet below them. the cable car takes its slow crawl up the mountainside and freya sorts through memories that are both hers and not hers. hung suspended in the air alongside them, eclipsing the sky, are phantom images of the skeleton and its foe. 

and then she blinks and they're cloud and smoke. she rubs her temples and she looks across the way at her companion. 

"thanks for coming. i know the setting isn't exactly tranquil, but i was hoping we could revisit your offer."

to help heal her.
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The Liberator
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Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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Isaac Merlo
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POSTED ON Apr 17, 2024 1:04:23 GMT
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[attr="class","textbox"]"What're you talking about?" Isaac shot Freya a quizzical look, as if he didn't have the slightest clue what she meant. "Awful childhood memories. Everything being on fire. The foreboding feeling that something could go horribly wrong at any given moment."[break][break]

A teasing smirk spread across his face. "Sure feels like Hoenn to me."[break][break]

Mt. Chimney wasn't a place Isaac viewed the most fondly, if he was being honest. It sucked. Most people would kill to live next to a questionably active volcano. However, for all he'd found his footing in his maturity, there was still a good bit of baggage that Isaac had to sort out involving his youth.[break][break]

"These days, tranquility's less something we're given and more something we take, anyway." He was one of the lucky ones. Suicune's gift left him as calm as a hidden spring. He still felt his emotions strongly, but there was a level of detachment between them that stopped his big heart and quick mind from suffocating him to death. "No reason we can't find it in a place like this, right?"[break][break]

Yet his favorite councilwoman hadn't just called him here for the hell of it. This was a meeting for business, not for pleasure. Or maybe it was for pleasure? "Gonna have to be a bit more specific than that," Isaac said, having made a new promise or offer to Freya every time they met. "This a Suicune offer? The whole sygna suit thing? Or did I forget we were up for a lunch?"[break][break]

Lunch over the fires of Mt. Chimney. Now that'd be something.

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POSTED ON Apr 17, 2024 1:21:13 GMT
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"you're right. sans the awful childhood memories." a pause. the mother that was never her mother staring down at her with her cold, distant eyes. 24 karat gold not meant for the grubby fingers of a child, not even a daughter. "kind of."

heights have never bothered her. not even when they're climbing over roiling magma. she's never been afraid of falling in the literal sense. there are pokeballs at her hip, companions she can rely on as much as she can rely on her body to take the next breath. 

"something else. you're the only one who remembers galar like i do." she folds over, propping her elbows on her thighs, lacing her fingers together between her knees. "and okay, i'm going somewhere with this, but before that, did father winter visit you this year too?"
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Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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POSTED ON Apr 17, 2024 1:32:52 GMT
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[attr="class","textbox"]"Oh, don't even get me started on that asshole!"[break][break]

When most people thought about elemental stereotypes, fire's was self explanatory. It even crept into day to day language; fiery, inflammatory, hot-headed. Fire was the aggressor, and water was its steady and soothing counterpoint. Those people tended to forget that for every settled spring, there was a raging flood just waiting to burst forth.[break][break]

The Triad were Isaac's first and oldest enemies. Faced with them, Suicune's tranquility gave way to their tempest.[break][break]

"He chucked into a portal, and thought it'd be a great time to talk about fucking Christmas gifts. Christmas gifts! Can you believe that? Anyway, I told him to go fuck himself, but he tricked me into playing his game anyway. And with that, I got sent . . . well, here, actually."[break][break]

Right. How could he forget near-death experience #5, where his own cross-dimensional self pitched him right into Mt. Chimney? "Had me face off with a me that had it way easier growing up. And not gonna lie? Not impressed." It boiled down to a contest of wills in the end. Without everything he'd endured, "Terry Jr." couldn't even compete. "I'll take being thrown to the curb a thousand times over if it means not turning into some sniveling little daddy's boy."[break][break]

"Take it he showed up at your place, too?"

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POSTED ON Apr 17, 2024 2:05:14 GMT
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she'd told about it. not all of it, but the bits and pieces that had mattered in the moment. it had seemed so awfully unfair then, that she had been granted some semblance of happiness with a woman that may have meant to be hers. 

"thought they might be interested in you," she says after confirming, but she frowns. "he stuffed me inside...well, me. the me i would've become if my mother hadn't died in labor. but it was like i was in there? like a tourist in my own body."

she scratches her cheek. "that's only half the point." she doesn't know how to put feelings to words, frustrations to coherencies. "the memories from that. from galar. hell, from the first time father winter came around and trapped me in a frozen hellscape for a year. all of it's compounding."

and then she hesitates. "do you get the you now mixed up with the other yous? the memories you shouldn't have? the life you shouldn't have lived?"
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The Liberator
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Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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POSTED ON Apr 17, 2024 4:00:17 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar


[attr="class","textbox"]"It's funny. Ask me three years ago, and I'd tell you I'd kill to stop being such a nobody. Careful what ya wish for, huh?" Hoenn was a tempest of gods and monsters, and now they knew all too who well who he was. He could never go back to being anonymous. Maybe that was okay. At this point, he was in too deep to walk away and leave it all behind.[break][break]

If he tried, he'd never forgive himself.[break][break]

Freya's experience had differed slightly from Isaac's. She didn't need to face what she could have been. Instead, she had to walk a mile in her shoes. Isaac winced slightly, offering her a sympathetic pat on the shoulder. "Can't imagine how that must've felt," he admitted, not even realizing the tip of the iceberg that Freya was about to unveil.[break][break]

It hadn't been the first out of body experience for her. It was one of many, and they were all starting to bleed together. They threatened to overwhelm her, simmering beneath the surface just as the lavas of Mt. Chimney did. How long would it take for them to bubble over and erupt?[break][break]

"Well, let's see. There's the me from Maldacena's digital world that tried to take my place. Hell, I'm half convinced he did." There was a touch of unease to Isaac's voice as he broached the subject. The worry gnawed at his head often, but he almost never admitted it to others. "For all I know, the real Isaac's rotting at the bottom of the sea, and I'm the poor shit tasked with piecing his life back together."[break][break]

"And that's just first things first." With a sigh, Isaac tried to recount just how many encounters with the strange he'd had by now. "There's the King of the Aegis over in Galar. Terry Jr., from Father Winter's fucked-up games. My fears of Rocket, haunting me in the Border like some kind of chained puppet. My friends' fear of what being in Rocket could mean for me, stalking them through the dream mist. And that's not even getting into the times I've had to face all the mes I could be over in my dreams."[break][break]

"It's the damndest thing. I've seen myself through a thousand lenses. And if anything, it just makes me even more sure of myself." The good, the bad, the ugly. The aspirational, the feared. They were all just facets through which Isaac's infinite potential shone. "Doesn't matter if I'm some digital duplicate. Or if I'm a dead man whose soul picked up right where it left off. Or if I'm only alive 'cause Suicune bailed me out, and the second they're done with me I just kinda unravel."[break][break]

For all the fear in his eyes, he faced Freya with a smile. "I'm Isaac Merlo. And for all the mes I could be, this is who I am."

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POSTED ON Apr 19, 2024 2:41:48 GMT
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amusement flits over her face. she's come to expect his long-winded answers, relied on them. maybe that's why she thought to go to him with this. but to her, it's never been about making peace with these other selves. she's learned to leave her past behind her; losing everything in her present over and over again got tiresome after a while. 

"it was easier for a time, wishing i could trade places with the happier versions of me. the alternative was actually putting in the work to make me happy."

she brushes a strand of silver hair from her face. "glimpsing some of those other timelines were gifts. i got to know a family. my family. i learned more about myself than i ever could have here." she simpers. "i learned i'm a surviving descendant of the draconids. in galar? for two decades, i held fast. i didn't give up. there were times i wavered, but i did not run, and i've been terrified i'd make those same mistakes again."

she closes her eyes. "but there are bits and pieces that could help us more, if i could just pin them down. if i could just remember, then maybe it would help me learn more about how to combat . those memories i have of him are so murky, but sometimes they're so, so bright in that way dreams are right before you wake up and forget them all.

"what if there's more information hiding inside of me? information on other rocket operatives that could have been there - like, like ?"
 she sighs, rubbing a thumb into her temple. 
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The Liberator
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Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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POSTED ON Apr 20, 2024 4:57:15 GMT
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[attr="class","textbox"]"Good thing you're a doer, not a sayer."[break][break]

Some people would, after a taste of this better life, fall into a pool of their own sorrows. It was quite likely Freya had been there. Who wouldn't? But where that would be the end of the line for some, for Freya it was surely just the beginning. She said it herself. Waver all she might, she'd never truly give up.[break][break]

"Memory's a funny thing. Especially when you're not sure which are-" No. Faded outlines as they were, Isaac refused to let go of his time in Galar. His locket, his one memento, still lay thick with dream mist behind the glass courtesy of his Musharna. By now, he could no longer see the picture within, but silhouettes flitted through the dream mist like a fading film reel.[break][break]

"Don't act like they're some separate life." It was a reminder not just for Freya, but also for himself. "It showed me just how much I'm capable of. One of these days, I'll be worthy of being the King of the Aegis again. And you? All of those lives that touched yours did it for a reason. I'm sure of it."[break][break]

And if there wasn't some cosmic reason, there was one Freya would make herself.[break][break]

"Anything I can do to help jog your memory?" It was a simple question with no simple answers. It was also one of the most important ones anyone could possibly ask. Knowledge was power, and with Rocket's strength growing they'd need all the power they could get to tip the scales. There were times when Isaac would let the past lie. The names Freya brought up made Isaac remember those times were over.[break][break]

. Maddened. Suffering. Creating howling blizzards with nothing but his directionless, all-consuming hatred. Isaac pitied him. He feared him. He hated what he had to do to him. He was proud of what he had been able to do for him. If AQUA or SAPPHIRE could figure out a way to save him, to free him for the ruination, Isaac would jump at the chance to make it so. He didn't even care if Jayden left Rocket or not. He knew it'd never happen. But he couldn't stand to see him suffer in a prison of his own mind.[break][break]

. A very different kind of madness. Where Jayden had lost control, Zev had more of it than ever. Isaac had seen it twice for himself, hunted down by him like a crystalline Terminator. Worse still, Isaac feared he'd seen his handiwork. A strange, musclebound man he willed back from the brink of death warned him of being hunted down by an unearthly being. rambled about him as if he was less a man, more a god. Maybe that was the truth. had all but confirmed how readily Zev had thrown the last shreds of his humanity away.[break][break]

There could be no saving Zev from himself. Rather, the region - maybe even the multiverse - were the ones in peril.[break][break]

"He's got you nervous too, huh?"

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POSTED ON Apr 21, 2024 0:34:56 GMT
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they're all part of her, like he says, but how much can the human mind handle? can it triumph past all of these horrors, lifetimes shoved into a body too young to have experienced those multitudes? envy squirms when her idle anxieties rear their ugly head; his connection to suicune makes what are tumultuous waters to her a placid lake to him. 

"you haven't shown me any reason to think you aren't," she says distractedly, eyes still half-closed, thumb still pressing, as though that can pin down the hodgepodge memories that are folding over themselves at her beckoning. ana's face flits by minutely and that secret grazes her conscious too. 

she owes it to him to tell him. 

she owes it to him to keep it secret. 

the woman he loved is gone. dead.

adolescent dragons fall from the sky at the hands of two dueling gods. ash stains the snow of their beloved circhester. a black amalgamation carves through memories made manifest, loved ones with stolen faces, and she opens her eyes. 

"caleb thinks he's a problem." her mouth twists, nose flaring slightly when she thinks back to the stumbling, inconsolable form of . "i think he may have attacked one of my volunteers. ranger conway. the gabite i gave her - " jaw clenching, she exhales in frustration - "their teeth are strong enough to bite through metal, isaac, and gishath's jaw was a shattered, bloody mess when she brought him to me."
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The Liberator
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Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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POSTED ON Apr 21, 2024 2:04:04 GMT
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[attr="class","textbox"]A councilwoman sat side by side with a traitor, and told him he was worthy of being king.[break][break]

The gods and monsters of the Hoenn region weren't the only ones who took note of him. Its people, too, had seen what he'd been doing for them. The Petalburg Woods hadn't healed themselves. The lost and the injured were given care and guidance. Whenever a battle with Team Rocket seemed about to break out, the rush of the northern winds heralded his arrival.[break][break]

Yet, in spite of this, he averted his eyes oh so shyly. How could he accept such lofty praise when he hadn't even accepted himself?[break][break]

"He doesn't think. He knows." was not somebody Isaac took lightly. If his beloved brother had doubts, Isaac would treat them with all the gravity they deserved. That went all the moreso when it was about . "He might be the only person in the world that knows the true Zev. For all the time I spent with him, I don't even come close."[break][break]

Layer after layer after layer of artifice. A part of it hurt. A part of it was almost mercy.[break][break]

At the mention of his victim's shattered jaws, Isaac shuddered. He could only imagine that crystalline armor, crashing through the walls of the Lesser Megalopolis as if they weren't even there. His own efforts at encasing him in ice, reinforced by the power of a legend, were shattered without a shred of effort.[break][break]

"He's not metal. He's something much, much worse," Isaac warned. "Direct force doesn't even make him blink. I escaped with my life, twice. But only barely each time. Arceus, I'm glad your volunteer was able to escape in one piece." And yet, something seemed odd. Zev wasn't the type to fight aimlessly. His distaste for serial killers was well known. His violence, well-documented as it was, came about only when he had a job to do or something to gain.[break][break]

How much disdain did he have for human life now?[break][break]

"This was months ago," Isaac added. He hadn't seen Zev since the Resurfaced Isle. How long had that even been? He'd gotten but a glimpse of Zev since, where he and had their fateful final encounter. The mere idea of facing him down again left Isaac sick to his stomach. "I've got no clue what he's been up to since then. And that scares me."

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POSTED ON Apr 28, 2024 18:14:19 GMT
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there are too many puzzle pieces, too many anomalies. she thinks back to fernando's office, his hands wavering through a hologram, each meticulous choice bathing the room in red. red, red, red. no matter where they turn or what they do, they inch ever slowly towards their own demise. 

she never thought his job was easy, but gods, she never fathomed how hopeless it is. 

"i'd be more worried about you if you did know what he's been up to." as would others. doubt has wriggled its way out of freya's head when it comes to isaac merlo, but there are still plenty others in the league's ranks that carry a malicious distrust of the rocket turncoat. 

if they can't accept someone like him, how could they ever accept - she shoves the thought away. this isn't about .

"i'll need everything you know about him. we'll submit it to sapphire and work on filling out a profile for him so we can create a proper response protocol. he's likely an avatar. do you have any idea what could have aligned with him?"
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The Liberator
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Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
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POSTED ON May 3, 2024 2:28:41 GMT
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[attr="class","textbox"]"Yeah. Guess that would raise a lotta ugly questions, huh?" It wasn't like , someone who meant well for the region as a whole. It wasn't like , a fellow wayward son that with luck he could reach. was a monster, one who would gladly see the region broken before him if it meant he was the slightest bit better off. Before, that meant the freedom to do as he please, unbothered by a society he held in contempt.[break][break]

Now, Isaac had no idea what that. It terrified him.[break][break]

"Back on the sub, he showed me." He still remembered that terrifying crystalline carapace, snapping his knife in half when he'd been ordered to give Zev a proper stab. "It was some piece of Necrozma's power. Enough to make a suit of crystal armor stronger than anything. Full coverage, head to toe. Even his eyes."[break][break]

It didn't line up with the rest of these accounts. The rest did; the murals scrawled all over the Lesser Megalopolis, the news reports on the dawn of the darkest day, the memories of what Necrozma was capable of as it laid siege to Motostoke. Isaac shuddered at the thought of what Zev would be capable of left unchecked.[break][break]

"He's gotta be looking for more power. I saw him climbing the Megalopolis spire alone. But when we fought on the resurfaced isle after that, he didn't seem any stronger." Had he been holding back? Did he think his former pupil was too lowly to deserve his full strength? No. Zev never played with his food. "If he had a breakthrough it's gotta be recent."[break][break]

"And if I'm remembering Galar right, I don't think he's gonna stop at that."

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November 03
i got new love, new skin to wrap myself in
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TAG WITH @freya
freya morningstar
the patron saints of imperfection
POSTED ON May 7, 2024 4:56:50 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

he says necrozma and the rest of the words struggle to be comprehended. blink. the cable car is no longer there. isaac wears a crown and the skies have been mutilated by the otherworldly. the earth has been sundered by legends. blink. full coverage, head to toe. gwendolyn on her knees, hands fisted in freya's shirt, talking about the impenetrable monster. 

hunter. predator. 


murderer. tyrant.


she shakes her head and feels like she's wading through sand and this time when she blinks, it's not galar at all. it's a little coffee shop, with a warm cinnamon scone in hand and the bright, adoring eyes of the woman she loves across from her. 

a wet dribble on her nose snaps her out of the feverish instant and she wipes at it hastily, blinking, saying, "that hasn't...happened since i wrote the journal. remembering like that."
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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
the patron saints of imperfection
POSTED ON May 9, 2024 2:04:38 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



How unfair was it? The best days of life could elude one's memory, while their greatest torments could be written on their soul. Even with how hard he fought to remember, his tenure as the King of the Aegis was a fond, distant memory. His near death at 's hands? That he relived every time he closed his eyes.[break][break]

"I'm glad I could help, at least. Even if it's a hell of a thing to help with." The tear that slipped down Freya's face betrayed nothing, and yet it said everything. It was pain, and yet it was relief. It was bitterness, and yet for the sweetness that had been lost. It was the answer to her question, and yet so many more riding on its coattails. "At least the bad can help us hold onto the good."[break][break]

It didn't make it worth it. But it was a small mercy in a world so often deprived of them.[break][break]

"What'd you remember?"

TAG [break]
NOTES — notes go here

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the ascendant
November 03
i got new love, new skin to wrap myself in
3,196 posts
part of
TAG WITH @freya
freya morningstar
the patron saints of imperfection
POSTED ON May 12, 2024 4:55:26 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

her vision is still blurry. simultaneously, clean and blood-stained fingers grip the seat on either side of her and she sucks in a breath. breathes in and out and struggles to sift through the amalgamation of memories. 

talking through it, hearing herself speak, might help. "the being that raided our cities. black as night, stronger than anything we'd seen before - strong enough to go head to head with eternatus after it had awoken." she struggles.

her laugh and her smile and her soft, safe arms. 

"my other memories too, but those aren't - " a bright green orb, held in her arms, used to become a godcaller, as is her rite.

she swallows it back. "we need to find zev and stop him before he can get any stronger."
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing